Sunday, April 20, 2008

Golf is only fun if you're good at it...

A friend of ours decided it would be fun to go golfing at Mount Carmel yesterday. I was really not enthused. I don't like golf at all. Any kind of golf, miniature golf included. I see it as pointless to walk around trying to hit a little ball in a hole. I got thinking and I don't think I've ever played a real game of golf. I remember going on many miniature golf dates and I remember a Homecoming date that we went and hit golf balls at a driving range, but I don't think I'd actually played a real game of golf. Nevertheless, I find it rather boring. But, I actually had a good time.

When I first started I wasn't good at all. I was actually pretty horrible and everyone was laughing at me. Which was fine because I was laughing right along with them. I couldn't hit the ball if it had stuck itself to my club. Finally, at the first hole, after getting so frustrated that I couldn't hit it, I just picked up my ball and threw it. I've got a pretty good arm! Towards the end, I was doing awesome! I ended up being able to hit the ball onto the green from the tee. I never thought that would happen.

We had a good time, but my favorite moments would have to be these:
1. Derek getting so frustrated at not being able to hit the ball the right way and throwing his club into a ravine in the weeds.

2. Derek's driving. You can never not have fun when your husband drives a golf cart like a maniac!
3. Derek taking a detour through a little puddle and us getting soaked. It didn't look as deep as it was! He told one of the other girls that went with us about it so she decided to take her husband through it. She told him she was taking him to look at something and she drove him through the puddle. He got soaked!
4. Cart races. That's all I'll say about that.
5. My mad golfing skillz! Since I love to laugh, particularly at myself, here's some awesome pictures showing my amazing golf form!

Yes, that's how it usually went.
The ball went nowhere, but the sand or grass went everywhere.

All in all, we had a really good time. I would definitely go golfing again, if only for the golf cart races!

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