That's how long it's been since I've written anything. I'm such a slacker! The problem is that once the weather gets warmer, I don't have as much motivation to sit down at the computer. My idea of a fun time is to sit at the park watching the kids play while I read a book. Things have been great. Nothing really exciting to write about. The one thing I do want to write about is my kids and animals. For some reason, my kids have a natural love for animals (they take after Derek); especially dirty smelly ones. Where my husband works, they have two small farms. Last night when we went to visit him, the kids begged me to take them to the farm. I didn't really want to, mostly because it smells so, so bad. I know, I'm a wuss. But I'm glad we did because they loved it and I got some great pictures of them. They weren't really interested in the pigs and the sheep kept running away from them, so they were stuck with this goat who was more than happy to spend time with them. Brandon was enthralled by the goats eyes which were slightly creepy. They were yellow and his pupils were black rectangles. I'd never seen anything like it. They had a blast though, so I think we'll be spending more time at the farms getting to know the animals.

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